Humans, as a species, are constantly living at the edge of the realm of possibility. Minds pushing further and further down an unknown road. At Kukaloris, we are moved by pioneers, innovators, people who make obscene gestures to the status quo. Their lust for life excites us as we collaborate to tell their stories.
Trends interest us, but they do not inspire us. At Kuklaoris we value authenticity above all else. We are prepared to use the most modern and ground breaking techniques in Visual FX. We also could be tracking down a 1950's Super 16 camera and film stock that has the perfect hue and softness for the emotion of the story we are telling. The story is our guide through the entire process. When there is a question we look back to the beginning, to the essence of our narrative. This will help us use only the right tools and techniques to creatively and efficiently tell our story.